Aries (03/21-04/19)

Aries (03/21-04/19)

As an Aries, you are like a bold child with a straight heart, constantly colliding with the world and having adventures.
Aquamarine corresponds to the bronchial system of the throat and has a positive influence on the language of communication.It allows the Aries to find their heart's desire by expressing it accurately with others while constantly engaging themselves.
Citrine is optimistic and firm, together with Amethyst's wisdom, it can bring back your solidity and steadfastness, and it is also helpful for the growth of wealth (partial wealth).
Wish Aries friends in each attempt to better understand their own, risk risk is not in the loss,but also the beginning of growth.

Astrological Attribute: Fire Sign
Keywords: Adventurer, Outspoken, Impetuous
Crystal Choice: Aquamarine, Citrine, Amethyst
Lucky Color: Red, Purple

It is also possible to match crystals to specific needs:
Guardian Health: Amethyst,Citrine
Fortune & Study: Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite
Love & Relationships: Red Agate, Amethyst, Strawberry Crystal
Family Happiness: Pink Crystal, Sunstone


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