Virgo (08/23-09/22)

Virgo (08/23-09/22)

It is difficult for Virgo to relax towards people and already, but inwardly, Virgo desires a better ideal.
Sensitive and attentive to the smallest details, you may occasionally get caught up in the maze of details and lose track of where you're going.
Black Obsidian brings you calm and cool judgment, while Green Hair Crystal helps to clear negative emotions and open your heart to more possibilities, which is also helpful for your career(positive wealth).
For Virgo nature is prone to nervousness and pessimism, amethyst can improve intuition and creativity, pink crystal can soothe the inner layers of anxiety to add affinity.
Wishing Virgo's friends please believe that they can reap the benefits of perfection in the imperfections, to put down the self and others to have the strength to meet more beautiful.

Astrological Attribute: Earth Sign
Keywords: Nervous Nagging, Obsessive about details, Self-critical
Crystal Choice: Black Obsidian, Green Hair Crystal, Amethyst, Pink Crystal
Lucky Color: Blue, Green, Light Yellow


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