Capricorn (12/22-01/19)

Capricorn (12/22-01/19)

 Like a goat walking alone on the cliff, as a Capricorn you use patience and hard work to get through every hardship, every step forward is to get closer to your ideal blueprint. Rigorous and disciplined, you can occasionally be unapproachable.
Garnet and Pink Crystal bring vitality and smoothness to your social interactions.
The White Crystal takes away pessimistic thoughts and relieves boredom, while the Tea Crystal represents the same steadfastness of conviction that you share, stabilizing your mind and boosting your self-confidence.
Wish your Capricorn friends no more pessimism due to failure, let go of bravado and embrace the warmth around you.

Astrological Attribute: Earth Sign
Keywords: Rigorous a Down-to-Earth, Pessimistic & Paranoid, Responsibility
Crystal Choice: White Crystal, Tea Crystal, Garnet, Pink Crystal
Lucky Color: Gray, Light Blue, Khaki


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